Sci-Five KickStarter campaign

The SpaceUp Foundation is getting ready to launch it’s first KickStarter fundraising campaign - “Sci-Five: Five SpaceUps for 2015.

SpaceUp Sci-FiveThe Foundation’s goal is to bring more awesome people (space geeks) together to share their passion and excitement about space.

Why are we doing this?  The Foundation is a functioning non-profit organization that helps SpaceUps, but it’s currently unfunded. Any SpaceUp run as a Foundation project gets some benefit from non-profit accounting, but as we’ve seen over the past few years, that’s often not enough to get a SpaceUp off the ground. We strongly believe that this bit of seed funding, plus the tools this will allow the Foundation to develop, will make the difference between a successful SpaceUp and one that doesn’t launch.

What can you do to help the SpaceUp Foundation campaign?  First and foremost, spread the word.  The more people that we reach, the more SpaceUps are likely to be held.  Second, consider contributing to the KickStarter campaign.  There will be great SpaceUp awards for all the various levels, but even one dollar helps!

Here is quick peak at a few sample awards:

$1 – Singularity Drive

One vote for your favorite SpaceUp city.

Exclusive access to a thank-you video from the Foundation.

Notification when public registration to each SpaceUp is open.


$25 - Breakthrough Paper (Limit 100)

Three votes for your favorite SpaceUp cities.

A personal sci-five video from the Foundation.

One priority registration to one of the five SpaceUp events (your choice).

Swag Factor 1 and Swag Factory 2 eligible.


$625 - Beyond the Realm of Science (Limit 1)


Six votes for your favorite SpaceUp cities.

Personal sci-five videos from EVERYONE listed above.

Priority registration to all five SpaceUp events (one each).

Naming rights to one of the rooms/pods at your favorite SpaceUp event

Swag Factor 1, Swag Factor 2, Swag Factor 3 multi-pass.


Click here to go to our #SciFive Kickstarter page!


SpaceUpAustralia2014  SpaceUp Atlanta Square Logo   SpaceUp Europe Tickets  spaceup-SD-fullsize

SpaceUp Pittsburgh  spaceupstuttgart_logo_blue_btn   SpaceUp Houston T-Shirt  SpaceUp Cologne Grid

Over the last five years SpaceUp has evolved into a major brand in space outreach and education. By strengthening the foundation we can support more local organizers and be an even more professional partner to the space and science communication industry. Help us make the SpaceUp Foundation even better.  Spread the word around the word and encourage everyone to join in!


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